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                Enllaços a altres webs


En la següent taula trobaràs enllaços a pàgines webs molt variades que et seran d'ajuda en el cas que vulguis construir un receptor o una emissora de radio i vulguis entendre'n les principals característiques. Quasi totes les webs que he trobat eren americanes, així que la descripció del contingut de moltes d'elles està en anglès i és transcripció del text de les pròpies pàgines web.

Descripció del contingut dels enllaços
Crystal Radio Resources: "This site reflects the stuff I have learned and relearned, and also lists the resources I found on the web that might be useful to you as well".
Building a very simple AM voice transmitter: "If a crystal radio is the distilled essence of a radio, this transmitter is the matching distilled essence of transmitters". Aquí hi ha de tot.
Asociación Española de Radioescucha (AER): "La AER es una asociación española registrada legalmente, sin ánimo de lucro y de carácter cultural y recreativo, dedicada a la promoción del diexismo y la radioescucha en el Mundo, especialmente en España y América Latina". Hi ha llistats de totes les emissores en OM (vegeu l'apartat "LISTAS DX").
Peter Parker's Project Page: "A collection of homebrew projects for the amateur radio enthusiast. A few projects include full constructional articles, but most have just schematic diagrams and a few notes". Hi ha la descripció d'un adaptador en L.
Front end design of antenna: This side will explain how to calculate the tap point on a coil to match the antenna input for receivers.
CRYSTAL SET DESIGN: This work is the result of about ten years part-time investigation of crystal radios from an engineering perspective.
Building a PI-L antenna tunner: After I got the QRP spy transmitter going and found it had an objectionable harmonic output on 20 and 15 meters, I decided to build an antenna tuner. The one and only circuit I had considered was the venerable Pi-L, which is an excellent attenuator of harmonics and is capable of loading up almost anything.
Pi Section Coupler Solves Antenna Problems: Inexpensive gadget tunes antenna for better DX.
Ian Purdie's Amateur Radio Tutorial Pages: Passive Antenna Re-radiators to function as Q Multipliers.
Regenerative receiver: This is a compact three transistor, regenerative receiver with fixed feedback. It is similar in principle to the ZN414 radio IC which is now no longer available. The design is simple and sensitivity and selectivity of the receiver are good.
Audio Circuits: Amplifiers, audio meters, etc.


Activitats Pàgina Principal